Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanks(for what)giving?

So it's Saturday, and I have done NOTHING productive school-wise, nor have I done laundry or gone grocery shopping. The list of things that need to happen today so I can keep my sanity is ridiculously long...and on top of that I'm sick. Again. I guess the only good thing about staying in to do homework is that I am forced to rest, even though there are a lot of other things I'd rather be doing.

Thanksgiving was very strange for me this year. My dad, mom, brother, and I (plus the dog) wound up at our cabin in West Virginia. I hadn't been up in a couple years, which surprised me, because I always like exploring the woods up there so much as a kid. It took me a while to realize that I hate it there now because there is no escape. Yes, I can go take a walk when I need to get away, but I have to eventually come back to the cramped three-room cabin. I missed going to my aunt's house, seeing my cousins, seeing my grandma...there's a lot more going on, and a lot more places to be if I need space.

I guess my biggest problem right now is that no matter how hard I try to spend time with my family, I always feel like an outsider. With my brother living at home now, I feel like there are a lot of things I've missed out on, a lot of inside jokes that don't get explained, a lot of glances back and forth that I don't understand.

I wish I could say that my college home has become a place where I belong, but I find myself so distanced from my roommates that I am afraid of being in the same room with them. They are all (with the exception of one, who is here less than I am) the type of petty dramatists that I hate. Mature conversations are hard to come by here, and I feel really unfulfilled most of the time. They can all be such great people, so when the shit hits the fan, I just feel really let down. I am hoping the break has given us a chance to miss each things could be better tomorrow when we are all back.

I went out with some old high school friends last night. Bittersweet as always. Great to see everyone, but also hard to see how much we've changed and established our own lives. I am glad that we can still spend time together without it being weird, though.

I guess that's all I have for now. I've been writing a lot of poetry as of late, so if I get the chance later today, I'll post some.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How convenient is this?!

This past week's Friday Five requires me to actually give you some life updates!!!


  1. What made you happy this week? Going to Chicago with Liz to visit Dawn. I forgot how much I love that city, and being there with them made it that much better. PLUS, I survived my first plane ride...and I admit it, I like flying. Being on top of the Sears Tower was probably my favorite part of the trip. The view was so humbling, and it represented me getting that much closer to conquering my fear of heights.
  2. What made you sad? Leaving Chicago. Seeing the tears in the eyes of some of my guard kids can't afford the $75 down payment. I felt my heart break because they felt ashamed. I wanted to hug all of them.
  3. What made you angry? The fact that my kids actually had to feel bad about not having money. The people I live with not bothering to ask about my trip.
  4. What are you looking forward to in the next week? Seeing Jason Mraz with Liz, Thanksgiving with my family, choreographing this weekend.
  5. What are you not looking forward to? Writing papers. And unit plans. Just, school in general.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I know that I am due for a life update, but....

...this sums it up pretty nicely.

As you can see, I am perilously close to the edge of insanity.

But it's not all that bad. I'm leaving for Chicago with lizziface for the weekend to visit Dawn. Should be a good time, not to mention the fact that the trip over will be my first plane ride. Ever. I'm excited!

The work keeps piling up, as I'm sure most of us can relate to...but I've been really productive this week, so hopefully I won't have too much stuff to worry about taking care of when I get back late Sunday.

Winterguard is starting up, and I am really looking forward to the season. Between my school, Liz's school, and a few more in the county, we could have upwards of sixteen kids participating. To have that kind of reach all across the county is awesome. We are setting the bar higher than ever this year. We don't want to be on the brink of last place anymore...our goal is to WIN. With the talent level we already have, and the natural ability of our rookie members, I don't see any reason why we can't actually kick some ass this year (assuming that our kids live up to their potential...and that's always the tricky part!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday Five: Phone Matters

1. Could you live without your phone for 1 week for $500?
Add a few more zeros. Then we'll talk.
2. Whom do you talk to on the phone the most?
lizziface, my mom at a close second.
3. Whom do you no longer talk to on the phone but wish you still did?
some high school friends that i've lost touch with.
4. If you could get a hold of one celebrity phone number, whose digits would you want?
David Beckham, please. :)
5. Do you talk on the phone more or less than you used to?
I definitely text a lot more now. I'd say I actually talk on the phone the same amount I always have, though.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Bon anniversaire!

I'm finally 21 today!!! And man, I made it COUNT last night.

I blame Liz. You should too ;)