Monday, April 23, 2007

I. am. burnt. out.

I just need to get through the next two weeks without imploding.

Lucky you if I wind up posting in that time.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Does anyone still read this?

Lack of commenting is what has me torn...granted, I don't post on everyone's blogs all the time, but I try to keep up as much as possible.

Which leads me to wonder whether or not I should open this site up a bit...give it out to some more people. Then those thoughts lead me down the "fear" road, do I want to expose myself like that? It's kind of nice to have a small community of close friends that know I post here.

I'm torn.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pretty Moved

Completely senseless. It's the only way that I can describe what happened yesterday. I'm not expecting my words to come out clean and tight right now...I need to get some things off my chest about everything, and I don't really care how it sounds.

I got back a few hours ago from a candlelight vigil in honor of VA Tech. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life. There was nothing especially strange or out of the ordinary...this vigil was no doubt very similar to so many that were held tonight across the country. I've been to quite a few now- for 9/11, the sniper. This one felt different. I was standing outside in the freezing cold, cradling a candle to my chest to protect it from the winds that were whipping and swirling through the crowd...but I didn't feel any of that. The weather didn't matter. It was so warm.

I got chills. To see so many people united by fear, concern, regret, sympathy...I felt like I was part of something amazing. It hit me then that we only come together like this when something utterly tragic happens...and that in and of itself might be even sadder.

I feel as though the past few days have challenged me and challenged my faith. I have felt compelled to pray at every moment of silence I've observed, at night before I fall asleep, and when I find myself in the middle of a quiet moment. I can't help but question how much good it's doing. There are plenty of people out there who pray more than me, who believe more than I do, that could be making a bigger difference than any set of thoughtful words I could ever come up with. But still, I'd like to think I'm making a difference, no matter how small.

I was a little shocked by how many people weren't actually praying when the ministers were up at the podium speaking. They were looking around at each other, relighting their candles that the wind blew out, adjusting their hair and their hoodies. I wonder...has it really come down to this? Do people my age really not care anymore about religion? It makes me feel less obscure and "out there" to think that my small shards of belief are momentous when compared to some people.

Which brings me to something else that has bothered me lately. That is, the fact that this whole event seems not to have bothered some people at all. I couldn't get it off my mind focus and attention in class was down in Blacksburg. I can't really explain why this whole thing has affected me the way that it has, and why others got through the day business-as-usual. Maybe they're hurting too, and just don't want to show it...but I feel like if we could all be a little emotional right now, we'd be better off somehow.

I guess it's all a product of our day and age. How fucking cliche. These acts of violence are so entrenched in our day-to-day experiences that some people seem able to just shrug it off and act like nothing happened. Instead, we're descending down a frightening road...if no one seems to care, nothing can change. Nothing is going to change.

And that's the worst part of it.

God bless Virgina Tech.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Don't act like today hasn't affected you.

Pray, and pray hard.

God be with VA Tech.

Friday, April 06, 2007

"Nothing is going to change next year. I won't let it happen."

This time, it was my roommate who said it. I can't help being afraid though...we've gotten close, and I don't want to add her to the list of people that I should have kept in better contact with over the years.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I always seem to be waiting around for something.

Maybe my life is just meant to be restless. Maybe that's the only way I'll move forward.


In other news.

I'm taking my roommate down to SMCM with me next weekend for World Carnival. I feel like it'll help us forge a stronger connection, see me around some close friends, see how I am when I'm not so wrapped up with impressing people. It's sad that I still haven't come out of my shell yet with her, or with a lot of the new people I've met so far. Fortunately, no one has deserted me yet...I just need to get more comfortable.


Tomorrow is bar night...I need to spend some time with my girls. There are no words for how much I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Creative Vomit

Just some stuff I wrote...

Hit or miss. Sink or swim. Pass or fail. It's not this black and white. We can laugh and cry together, then turn our backs on each other at the slightest shake-up. We'll whisper about each other when turn around, we'll act like moronic lesbians to get boys to look at us. We'll betray family, friends, leave it all behind if we can achieve somewhere else. We judge and we're quick to point the finger and even quicker to pull the trigger. We waste away, every aspect of our existence FAKE. And yet, there is hope. Hope for the few REAL people out there. We're the genuines. Small in number, strong, relentless, sure. We have the power to rise above their stagnant mediocrity and we soar. We're the free spirits, the old souls, the thinkers. We are honest and true and loyal to no one else but ourselves- because which of THEM can we trust? Maybe I am jaded. Maybe I should be more afraid of being a little different. But at least I know I'm not alone...


the lights flash and i see spots,
dancing with a vibrancy that comes along so rarely in this world.
You go ahead and blink until they've disappeared,
pretend that your life is actually worth something,
telling yourself that the things you do are better somehow,
because seeing something that is more alive than you are is scary.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I am evil.

So Chris and I decided on a joint April Fool's joke this year...

We changed our facebook status to engaged and i got some close friends and my roomies to post about the ring and how cute our proposal story is.

It's amazing 1) how many people actually believed it and 2) how quickly the news spread.
