Saturday, December 06, 2008

Before the chaos

The last two weeks of the semester. 4 final papers, to be followed swiftly by 4 final exams. It is tortuous to be a college student this time of year, really. I have to hammer out a twelve page research paper on the trope of the libertine in eighteenth century English literature. Joy. I've barely started. December 19th is my last final...and you better believe I am LIVING for that Friday.

My reward for getting all this stuff done comes in the form of nine books I am going to try to read over my short winter break (my spring semester is the beginning of my full time student teaching internship, so I have to go back when my students do...Jan. 5th). I had started Jane Eyre over the summer but couldn't finish it before school started, so it hit the backburner. I celebrated Bookseller Appreciation Week where I work by purchasing eight others. The stack of books to read on my nightstand may just be the most prominent structure in my room at this point! I also bought JK Rowling's new book, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, because I wouldn't be a Harry Potter fan without it...along with Persuasion by Jane Austen, Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster, Dave Eggers' A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (woohoo Bargain section!), The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (which I have heard is A-MA-ZING), The Poe Shadow by Matthew Pearl (brilliant mystery writer....also has The Dante Club which I highly recommend for fans of Dante's Inferno), Michael Cunningham's The Hours (because I read Mrs. Dalloway this fall), and Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse for a modernist challenge. way I can read all these by the first week of January. New goal: By the time I graduate (May!), I will have all these read.

Now, I have to write. Kill me.


Blogger Melissa said...

if i had interest in all of those "I" could have them all done in the short amount of time!!! you're talking to the girl who read harry pooter 6&7 in 2.5 days!!!!

speaking of HP, i finished Beedle Bard...

And is heartbreaking work still in the bargain bin.... I want it!

9:03 AM  

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