Monday, October 13, 2008

Dream State

I guess I never thought about reality like this before. This whole concept of blogging to capture what is (or maybe isn't) true about ourselves. It's like having a dream and then trying to explain it to an outsider. You can tell the story, but they can't live it. They weren't there. Our experiences are the only things we really own, the only things that truly belong to us.

I'm not doing this so that people who read this will understand me better. It's an impossibility. I really am doing this for me. If you happen to be touched somehow, or see yourself in something I've said, I am grateful. I like it when my personal matters seem to coincide so closely with someone else's...but it's only that, coincidence.

I worry myself sometimes. I am afraid that my new "insight" just makes me come off as more isolated.


Blogger ghost said...

"I'm caught. Trapped between childhood and adulthood. I'm not quite either right now, and I'm not quite sure what that means."

i think it means youre just like the rest of us. caught between our reality and our dreams, striving to make them one. caught between who we really are and who we aspire to be. learning to accept the difference.

6:03 AM  

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