Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friday Five: "Important stuff."

What is the most important thing by your side right now?

My I-pod. Left side.

Why is it so important?

Music is incredibly important to me. My life is chaotic, but my songs are always there, always the same, always with the same comforting words. Strange that a little rectangular computer with the click-wheel is one of the only things that stays consistent in my life.

Can you live without it?

As long as the songs stay backed up on my computer...yes. I feel like I would lose a huge part of myself if my music was gone. I also think I'd lose a lot of memories...because I tend to attach songs to important moments and people.

What is the one thing you can't live without?

Any of my journals. I still have ones from elementary school. There's something really cool about flipping back through your life, the pages faded and torn in some places. A page missing here or there because you got scared someone would find out your deepest secrets. When my fingers trace back across whatever I happened to scrawl in that day, I go back to that moment. I don't think you can move forward in life if you can't go back and relive what's already passed you. I'd feel stagnant without my journals.

Who is the one person you can't live without?

I try really hard not to let myself get that attached to people. I fear loss. The few that have etched themselves that far in my heart...they know who they are, and I don't need to say it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my apologies for not commenting in awhile. you're in my google reader though, so i'm always reading :)

to make up for it:
-nun with bangs= hot (haha jk)
-susquehanna is the only building on campus which is constantly surrounded by cigarette smoke (ack)
-sometimes you just have to let things come to you...i know it's not an aggressive way to getting what you want, but sometimes it works. so if you're not talking to boys at your own party, that's completely fine. as long as you're having fun, then that's all that matters. (which i hope you did :D)
-as for the comment that you made on my entry: i was actually agreeing with you. in that it's about time that i came to terms with just writing for the heck of it, even if there's no deeper, or darker meaning to my content. to hell with being sappy...sometimes it's best just to be real. gots to be realz

<3 marian

6:00 PM  

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