Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Things I've Learned So Far...

...this semester.

New best friends often come from unexpected places. Sometimes the people who have always mattered, but still sat on the outskirts of your life, can pop in and play a much bigger role.

Time alone that can be set aside for self-reflection is really hard to come by. Moments like these where I can write...I need to take greater advantage of them.

There is nothing sweeter than those late-night, goofy conversations with the people that you live with. It's how you make those inside jokes that come to define your college experience once you graduate. Make the most of them.

New relationships can be terrifying journeys...but be thankful that you have the opportunity to embark on them. Enjoy the ride, not everyone is so fortunate.

And most importantly (not to mention something I will have to work on for the rest of my life...), focus on yourself. It is not selfish to act in the best interest of number one from time to time. After all, who is the one person who spend the most time with? Yourself. It is natural to feel guilty when, in the process, you have to pull back from the people who matter most to you. But when you come back, you are happier. More confident. A better person and a better friend in the long run.


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