Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Writing on....writing?

So my goal of working more on my writing is probably going to have to wait until the summer. Time and work have gotten the best of me. By the time my other priorities are finally out of the way, my energy and my emotions are way too sapped to try to put anything down on paper. I can't help but wonder if my whole approach to this has been wrong as of late.

I think too many of us (mostly me, though) try to write to impress people, to show them just how creative and innovative we truly are with words. I (and we) forget why we write, why we do this, why we plug away for hours on our blogs.

I think for me, it's a lot more about self-catharsis than it is about showing my stuff, my "linguistic prowess." We (and this is a collective "we") write to express ourselves, who cares how others view your style? It's about writing what you want to write, in the way that you want to. If I feel like typing out "lakdhjflkaydagfh jblj agdhja hjfg hjagf jah gbla" and it means something to me, why the hell not?

And maybe, along the way, my words and my thoughts will connect with someone. But, hopefully, it won't be about the way that the words came out or how they look on paper- because WHAT they say is ultimately the most important thing.

I guess now I can say I have a new stop giving a crap about what my readers think about how I write, and to refocus my energy on why I'm really here-to get it all out, all on the table, to say what I gotta say.

Who gives a damn, this way works for me.


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