Thursday, October 26, 2006

Think you know me?

So I realized something about myself today.


...I'm a hypocrite. I talk a big game, I talk about myself like I'm the person I want to be rather than the person that I am.

All of this negative energy that's been floating around in my house has been partially my fault. I don't make any more of an effort than they do sometimes. I don't like change. I'd rather nestle into a comfort zone, pull up a chair, stay there a while. I tried it once, it backfired, my mind says don't bother. But I know that's wrong.

Putting myself out there is hard. I can do it in every other relationship I have with people, but not with my own family. I can chase down and strive for happiness in every other aspect of my life, but this.

And until I figure out why, I'm not convinced that I can do a whole lot about it.

But I still feel like I should focus on some positives...

School is going well, my professors tell me I'm a "strong writer with a confident voice." I can't say for sure how accurate that is for ALL of my writing, because all they get from me are the formulaic, bullshit essays that us English majors have to be so good at. Still, it gives me hope.

Chris and I are doing phenomenal. We're fighting less and less, I'm thankful that phase is winding down. He's kept me grounded and happy through a lot of the drama in my life, and I'm thankful that he's been there.


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